Samuel Kind Samuel Kind

How Keir Starmer can save the UK from elective dictatorship

OpenDemocracy → The Labour leader should learn from his predecessors and the triumph of fairness in New Zealand politics to push for proportional representation. t this year’s Labour Party conference from September 25-29, Keir Starmer plans to paint “in primary colours” the kind of country he wants Britain to become…

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Samuel Kind Samuel Kind

Local parties pressure Starmer over PR ahead of conference → The Labour party will debate Proportional Representation (PR) for UK general elections at its annual conference this month, following a huge show of support for change by the party’s grassroots supporters. A total of 143 local parties submitted motions to conference on PR…

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Samuel Kind Samuel Kind

Big picture politics

Chartist → How to level up the country? It’s the biggest political question of our times and one being asked with ever-greater urgency as we emerge from the pandemic. Expect it to be a dominant theme during the party conference season. The fact that regional inequality is today a top order issue is undoubtedly progress. But there is a major problem with the current framing of the “levelling up” debate…

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Samuel Kind Samuel Kind

A young person’s priority

Chartist → My politics, like that of many of my generation, was galvanised by the EU referendum. My friends and I felt like our opportunities were being taken away when we were not old enough to have the luxury of being asked. The general election in 2017 acted like a watershed moment…

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Samuel Kind Samuel Kind

ASLEF: The push for PR gathers momentum

Julian Vaughan → I am proud to have written the motion on a fairer voting system that was recently adopted by ASLEF at their Annual Assembly of Delegates. However, in a democratic union like ASLEF, success is only achieved with the support of branch delegates from across the railway network.…

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Samuel Kind Samuel Kind

Want to end debate over a progressive alliance? Labour must back PR

LabourList → Some Labour members also believe that the current electoral maths makes an alliance with other progressive parties desirable or even necessary. But if we were to try to form such a Progressive Alliance with the Green Party and the Lib Dems at the next general election there would be some big hurdles to overcome…

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