Which affiliated trade unions support electoral reform?
ASLEF supports PR, with its 2021 Conference calling for PR to be a flagship policy of next Labour manifesto.
FBU supports electoral reform. Get involved with Politics for the Many: the trade union campaign for democratic reform.
The Musicians’ Union supports Proportional Representation. Get involved with Politics for the Many: the trade union campaign for democratic reform.
TSSA is in favour of Proportional Representation. Get involved with Politics for the Many: the trade union campaign for democratic reform.
Unison’s 2022 National Delegates Conference voted to reject FPTP and support Proportional Representation.
Unite has policy in favour of electoral reform. The 2021 Unite Policy Conference voted to oppose First Past the Post.
USDAW’s 2023 Annual Delegates Meeting voted support the introduction of Proportional Representation for general elections.
CWU is reviewing its policy on electoral reform. Its 2022 conference condemned FPTP and committed to holding a policy forum to set its policy on PR.