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Great news: today, the Communication Workers Union (CWU) conference unanimously carried a motion slamming First Past the Post as "an undemocratic election process" and establishing a forum to set the union's policy on Proportional Representation.
This is huge news - and the latest demonstration of how far the debate has come amongst the trade unions. It follows Unite’s decision to oppose First Past the Post - with more unions set to debate electoral reform in the coming months.
The motion states that “the First Past the Post voting system has left the UK exposed to extreme Tory governments elected by a minority of voters,” and that it, “has and will continue to facilitate an undemocratic election process.” It instructs the union’s NEC to hold a special forum to decide policy on PR.
The motion as passed by CWU’s conference in Bournemouth.
In other news, Momentum are once again holding a policy primary to decide which issues to push for at this year’s Labour Party conference. Read John McDonnell’s Labour List article explaining why he believes members should once again prioritise the motion on Proportional Representation. Voting ends at 17:00 on Thursday 28th April. So if you’re a member, vote today!
Let’s finish what we started last autumn, and ensure the Labour Party backs PR
By John McDonnell MP
Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is a stark reminder of how precious democracy is. We should never take for granted access to basic human rights, the role of an independent media and the right to fair elections. The erosion of democratic values can happen anywhere – and we in the UK are already sliding towards illiberalism. Boris Johnson’s approach to governing, his attitude towards the rule of law and deliberate undermining of parliamentary scrutiny are dangerous. In recent months, the government has tried to force through reactionary legislation of a kind more commonly associated with authoritarian regimes than with a functioning democracy…
Voting opens in Momentum policy primary to agree conference motions
By Elliot Chappell
Writing for LabourList this morning, John McDonnell MP urged the organisation’s members to “finish what we started in Brighton” and support a motion calling for the Labour Party to back proportional representation for general elections.
“Since then, debate has moved on within large parts of the trade union movement – including Unite, which came out firmly against the first-past-the-post system at its policy conference last autumn, a move welcomed by Sharon Graham. Other unions will discuss electoral reform in the coming weeks and months,” McDonnell wrote…
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