More Unison branches have submitted motions on Proportional Representation to the National Delegate Conference than on any other single issue.
With a debate about electoral reform taking place across the wider labour movement, Unison now has an opportunity to take a position.
Join our panel to hear why First Past the Post doesn’t stack up for trade unions, and why Unison should back PR at this year’s NDC.
Lloyd Russell-Moyle, MP for Brighton Kemptown
Aileen McLoughlin, Central Bristol Health Branch (personal capacity)
James Anthony, Unison NEC (personal capacity)
Nancy Platts, Politics for the Many
Caroline Osborne, Labour for a New Democracy
Chair: Stephen Smellie, Unison NEC (personal capacity)
Hosted by: Central Bristol Health, Glasgow City, Norfolk County, North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire, Surrey Unison branches.
Refreshments provided. Wheelchair access. Directions from conference below. No ticket required.