#Labour4PR amendment

Labour’s draft party programme states that First Past the Post is driving distrust and alienation in politics, but does not expressly commit to change.

Representatives on the National Policy Forum (NPF) can table amendments to be debated and voted on at the ‘Final Stage NPF meeting’ in July.

NPF reps: please table the amendment below, committing Labour to PR, by 5 June.

Labour members: please send our amendment to your CLP secretary ASAP (click here to do this). Your CLP can then ask your regional NPF reps to table the amendment.

👇 NPF reps: table this amendment 

🌹 Text after #Labour4PR amendment

The flaws in the current voting system are contributing to the distrust and alienation we see in politics and there is widespread consensus across the Labour movement that we must address this in government. Labour believes the House of Commons should better reflect the votes cast by the British people. We will introduce a proportional electoral system for general elections so everyone has a vote that counts.


Consensus across Labour for electoral reform


USDAW backs PR