#Labour4PR at #Lab23

Whether you’re coming to conference or watching from home, the #Labour4PR campaign has a packed programme of events and briefings to get involved in.

Whether you’re a conference delegate or a volunteer with our campaign, there will be important actions to take to push for action on electoral reform by the next Labour government.

Keep reading to find out what we have planned in Liverpool and how you can get involved. We hope to see you there - virtually or in person.

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Our plan for conference

#Labour4PR fringe events

Conference briefings

Watch live from home

Our plan for conference


This year's conference will be different from the last two for the #Labour4PR campaign.

After winning a historic vote in favour of Proportional Representation in 2022, we are not seeking another conference motion debate this year.

This conference, we want to highlight the condemnation of First Past the Post in Labour's official policy documents

"The flaws in the current voting system are contributing to the alienation and distrust we see in politics."

On the conference floor, across the fringe, and in the media - we’ll do this to encourage Labour to take action in government to address the alienation and distrust caused by First Past the Post.

To help us do this:


#Lab23: Building power across the movement


Labour one step closer to electoral reform