The countdown continues

At the bottom of every page of this website there's a counter that never stops counting…

It keeps track of the time Labour has had, since forming a new government, to fundamentally change British democracy by replacing First Past the Post with a fair, proportional voting system.

Much has been said over the last few days of Labour's first 100 days in government - about what's been achieved, what hasn't, and the challenges ahead. But our count doesn't stop at 100 days.

Because all of us in this campaign understand that British democracy is in crisis: with all time low trust in politics, rock-bottom turnout, and sky-high volatility.

We all know, as pro-PR MP Louise Jones said in her maiden speech this week, that many view politics as "something done, by some other people, in some other place, for the benefit of some other people".

And we all know that if Labour doesn't bring in a modern, representative electoral system while it can, the country will, sooner or later, be handed back to the Tories, or worse, on a minority of the vote. 

That's why it's so important that Labour moves forward with electoral reform while it has the chance - and it's why we're counting every minute, hour and day until this happens.

We agree with Andy Burnham's comments at our conference fringe event - speaking alongside our own Caroline Osborne - that the first step towards electoral reform is for the government to launch a review of the voting system for general elections.

Given that this is the most pro-PR intake of Labour MPs ever, it's no surprise that our parliamentary organiser, Alex Zur-Clark, is playing a leading role building support for electoral reform across Parliament.

And, in addition to continuing his role at Labour for a New Democracy, Joe Sousek is now also spending time working for the secretariat of the new All-Party Parliamentary Group for Fair Elections.

Together, with MPs, and with partner organisations we're organising for the action Britain needs to restore trust in politics and to foreclose the possibility of being governed by an extreme, right-wing minority.

We'll be in touch soon with news on our parliamentary work and how you can help. In the meantime, sign up and save the date for our final campaign update of the year, at 18:00 on Wednesday 4 December.


Burnham calls for voting system review