Labour figures call for electoral reform

Today is the last day of Parliament until September. As more than four hundred Labour MPs head back to their constituencies or on holiday, we hope you also get a break over the summer.

Since polling day, figures from across the Labour movement have been calling for electoral reform - making clear that this issue will stay on the agenda until it's addressed.

We've put together some highlight videos. Check them out below, or keep up with our content by following the @Labour4PR Twitter.

In other news, please note that we are NOT asking CLPs to send a motion to conference this year. With conference already in favour of PR it doesn't makes strategic sense to repeat this right now. We will, however, be asking members to get active in other important ways. Join us at 18:00, Wednesday 4 September to find out more.

Election night

Andy Burnham

Cat Smith MP

Scott Arthur MP

Jenny Rathbone MS


Labour MP to Chair APPG for Fair Elections


Why Labour can & should now reform the voting system