Campaign update & NEC candidates’ views
An update on Labour’s road to electoral reform - plus where NEC candidates stand on PR.
Unison backs PR - and so do UCU & Prospect
Three more trade unions vote to support Proportional Representation at their annual conferences.
Conference motion & pledge card
Our 2022 conference motion and #Labour4PR pledge card are now live! Plus, read the latest from the campaign on Labour List.
You’ve got mail
The Communication Workers’ Union carries a motion on electoral reform… plus John McDonnell on why Momentum members should back PR in this year’s Policy Primary.
All across the Labour movement
Welsh Labour’s Senedd reforms, Mayors push back against FPTP, conferences around the UK, and Unison for PR… the #Labour4PR campaign continues!
Levelling Up Democracy
Levelling Up Democracy: a series of online events exploring why we need a complete re-wiring of Britain’s democratic system if Labour is to address the great challenges of our time, featuring some of the biggest names from across the Labour movement.
2021 and what’s next for #Labour4PR
Over the last twelve months, the Labour Party has had its biggest and most serious conversation about British democracy for a generation…
Unite backs electoral reform
Unite - the UK’s second biggest trade union - has officially voted to oppose First Past the Post and support “moves to explore, select and introduce a new voting system for the UK.”
Campaign report: Proportional Representation at #Lab21
How did PR become one of the biggest debates in Brighton? What happened? And what next?
144 conference motions on PR & 314 CLPs in favour
At least 144 constituency parties have called on Labour to endorse a switch to Proportional Representation this year – more than have made a single demand on any other issue in recent conference history.
83% of members believe Labour should back PR
New polling finds overwhelming support for PR among Labour Party members - and other news!
All aboard the PR express
Labour for a New Democracy news: ASLEF plus one third of all CLPs back PR; press round-up.
2021 Roadshow
A season of online events about why electoral reform is critical to Labour’s mission of an equal society.
L4ND keeps getting bigger
Labour for a New Democracy news: Momentum backs PR, 211 CLP motions, articles from Ruth Cadbury & John McDonnell.
25% of CLPs call for PR
As of this week, 170 Constituency Labour Parties across the UK have passed a motion calling for Proportional Representation…
L4ND response to Starmer speech
When Keir Starmer ran for the Labour Leadership, he committed to including electoral reform in a Constitutional Convention that considers wider democratic renewal…
100 CLPs call for PR
Richmond (Yorkshire) CLP has become the 100th Constituency Labour Party to pass a motion in support of Proportional Representation.